Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Gifts for WFR crew

The Durban Family Retreat gave Alan & Mac a plaque with a pair of shoes crafted by a member that are made out of tires--what the Africans wear. The verse engraved at the bottom, "How beautiful are the feet of those that preach the gospel of peace." Rom. 10:15...When Brian read the verse outloud, the tears streamed down my face. That verse is from Isa. 52:7---I remembered saying those same words a few days before my father passed away last October. I was massaging lotion on my dad's feet and quoted it outloud while thanking God for all my dad had done to proclaim the good news of Jesus to so many and how he taught me to do the same. It was not a co-incidence but a God-incidence reaffirming to me what is of most importance in our lives. Then Brian presented to Lisa & me beautiful African tablecloths. We will remember our South Africa brothers and sisters in Christ with such love and wonderful memories. We shared together our strengths, hopes, and weaknesses and that we don't have to walk this journey alone. The theme of the retreat was "For such a time as this" I Pet. 5:10, Strong...Firm...Steadfast

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